Volunteer Steering Committee


The Volunteer Steering Committee (VSC) was established as a direct result of feedback from our members about improving the volunteering experience and overall volunteer journey of our members. The steering committee hopes to create a CFA UK in which everyone wants, and is able, to contribute to the betterment of their profession, as described in the society’s vision and objectives.

Laurence Beard, ASIP
Director, Cognisant Investment Management Ltd, Volunteer Steering Committee Chair

Main responsibilities

The committee will enable volunteering in a way that effectively serves the needs of both individual members and the society as a whole.

Key components of the mission are to:

  • Maintain clear understanding of the motivation of volunteers and the needs of the society
  • Design and govern volunteering such that:
    - Volunteers enjoy and feel rewarded for their effort and want to continue
    - Volunteers' effort are effectively and efficiently used in meeting aims of the society