Next generation

The QE Infinity Trap: Navigating financial crises, populism and Japanification risk

Inaugural event of the Fixed Income Portfolio Managers Next Generation Network

26 March 2019

At the end of 2018, fears of a shock to the late-cycle economic equilibrium grew substantially. To stabilise the downside dynamics, central banks around the globe moderated their hawkish stance and shifted back to a supportive gear once again. However, the power of monetary policy put options is disappearing, governments are not ready to place fiscal policy in a driving seat and trade policy remains the big unknown. Could this shift us away from synchronised slowdown to the point of no return - the Japanification of Western economies?

Alberto Gallo, CFA, Fixed Income Fund Manager and Economist, asks: “What are the risks and the opportunities in the era where a new equilibrium between monetary, fiscal and trade policy is emerging?”

This event is hosted by CFA UK’s Next Generation Network leadership team for Fixed Income Portfolio Managers and exclusively for the members of their network.


Join the Network in order to access the event booking link. You will need to be a CFA UK member and Fixed Income PM in the first 10 years of your career.


About Alberto Gallo, CFA

Alberto Gallo is a macro fund manager, economist and writer. Over the years, he has highlighted ways to improve our financial system, to make it more equal and sustainable, and to prevent future crises.

Alberto became an expert on financial crises, working as a macro economist in the US during the Lehman collapse and in Europe throughout the Eurozone crisis. In 2016, he left macroeconomic research to launch a global fund designed to navigate bond markets as the era of monetary stimulus ends. His track record includes foreseeing the financial crisis of 2008 as well as the European crisis of 2010, the subsequent central bank driven recovery, and the following rise in inequality and global populism. 

Alberto is active in the financial policy debate as an advisor to central banks and regulators on macro financial stability and as a frequent contributor to the Financial Times, the World Economic Forum, and a Bloomberg View columnist. He is also a guest faculty at his alma mater, Bocconi University.