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CFA UK Certificate in Impact Investing: training and learning with the GIIN

This webinar was recorded in March 2024

Increasingly what we’re seeing is that more investors are looking to invest for impact...throughout the investment life-cycle

Evita Zanuso, Co-chair and Academic Advisor, CFA UK

19m, 59s - 0 CPD

Impact investing has the potential to reshape the investment industry. Geraldine (Dean) Hand, Chief Research Officer, The Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN) and Evita Zanuso, Co-chair and Academic Advisor, CFA UK give you a guide to what you can do to learn how to invest for impact, and how CFA UK’s new Certificate in Impact Investing can help. Define: 

  • The GIIN’s approach to financial markets, and where the Certificate in Impact Investing fits within it 
  • The training that the GIIN offers for investment professionals looking to integrate impact into their investment practice 
  • The reasons why investment professionals should start to learn about impact investing 
  • How CFA UK’s Certificate in Impact Investing can give you the tools to invest for impact 
  • Why the Certificate – the first qualification of its kind – can help you take your talent further 

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