The role of CFA UK's Board is to set the Society's strategic direction and oversee our activities to ensure that the society furthers the interests of the investment profession. The nominating committee assesses the balance of the Board and any areas for enhancement of the Board’s collective skills, experience, knowledge and diversity that anticipated vacancies are likely to create. This assessment has informed the priorities outlined above.
Nominations (see How to Apply below) are invited and self-nominations are welcome.
Following receipt of nominations, the nominations committee will undertake a selection process which is likely to comprise:
- An initial review of nominations based on the information contained in the nomination forms received,
- Structured conversations between shortlisted nominees and one or more members of the nominating committee in order to explain more about the role and explore those nominees’ qualifications, knowledge, experience, skills and willingness to undertake the role if appointed,
- Further shortlisting of nominees and second-round interviews conducted by one or more nominating committee members who were not involved in the relevant nominee’s first round conversations,
- Final selection of the preferred candidates for recommendation to the board at its September meeting,
- Proposal to members of the selected nominees for appointment at this year’s annual general meeting in November.
You can find out more about the nominating committee here.
Any CFA UK Regular Member is eligible to be considered for a position on the CFA UK Board. You do not need to be CFA charterholder and you are welcome to self-nominate. The nominating committee is particularly keen to encourage nominations of members that contribute to Board diversity.
In considering whether to nominate a fellow member or yourself, you should give thought to criteria such as experience, vision, commitment and their ability to represent the Society. The role will involve considerable time commitment over several years. As well as attending quarterly Board meetings, an annual strategy meeting and the AGM, Board members are also encouraged to attend other CFA UK events in order to engage with members and may also volunteer in other capacities, for example as a member or chair of a committee. Occasionally, particularly for officers, there may be a requirement to attend international CFA leadership events.
We are looking for members who display the following attributes:
- Knowledge of how sustainable investment is developing and being integrated within investment decision-making processes and practices,
- Ability to think strategically and provide robust operational oversight and challenge. Cognitive diversity is actively encouraged,
- Willingness to contribute actively to meetings,
- Self-motivated to follow through on tasks between meetings,
- Able to work as part of a team and on occasion lead a small sub-group to complete tasks,
- Board and governance experience, although a full induction and on-going development opportunities will be provided to help develop appropriate skills and knowledge,
- Desire to show courtesy and respect to other members of the board, volunteers, members and staff.