Building a more equitable profession

Thursday 17 November 2022 | 18:30 - 20:30 | Evening Event

This is an in-person networking and knowledge sharing opportunity organised by CFA UK's Diversity, equity & Inclusion network 

Equity differs from, but is integral to diversity and inclusion. During this event, attendees will gain insights into where the profession currently stands with respect to equity and establish a vision for what a more equitable profession could look like. 

CFA UK and the CFA Institute are working to create a more equitable profession. This session will cover details on the CFA Institute DEI code (launching in the UK Q4 2022), the CFA UK DEI Network senior sponsor thought leadership piece on portfolio approach to DEI, and the Young Women in Investment Program. Best practices and common pitfalls will also be discussed to help understand what actions can be taken to be most effective in advancing inclusion.

 Learning objectives

  • Understand the concept of equity, how it differs from but is integral to diversity and inclusion, and how firms and individuals can contribute to building a more equitable profession
  • Explore current state of equity in the investment management and broader financial services industry, why it is important to improve, and how it links to the broader ESG agenda
  • Define what a more equitable profession should look like and outline best practice/ common pitfalls to avoid in working towards a more equitable profession


Registration: 18:00

Event: 18:30 - 19:30

Networking: 19:30 - 20:30


Charlie Fisher, Senior Human Resources Manager, LGT Wealth Management (YWIP)

Charlie is a Senior HR Manager at LGT Wealth Management and has worked within financial services for 10 years.

Sitting on LGT’s #included (D&I) committee, many of Charlie’s key focuses is to enhance the firm’s culture, specifically in relation to diversity and inclusion, employer brand and social impact. Charlie leads on the firms gender workstream, expanding diversity data reporting capabilities and driving strategic change from a cultural and inclusion position.

Sophie Hulm, CEO, Progress Together

Sophie leads Progress Together, a new membership body chaired by the Lord Mayor, Alderman Vincent Keaveny. Progress Together aims to level the playing field for employees from all socio-economic backgrounds.

Focusing specifically on equity of progression and retention, Progress Together supports UK financial services employers to share best practice with peers and clients, and benchmark against each other in a safe environment. Progress Together is the output of a Government commissioned taskforce, designed and led by Sophie, to boost socio-economic diversity at senior levels in UK financial and professional services.  

Erinn King, Managing Director, Payden & Rygel

Erinn King is a Managing Director at Payden & Rygel. A founding member of the firm’s Boston office, Erinn is responsible for client relations and business development for the East Coast, Bermuda, and Canada. 

She leads the firm’s global insurance practice and serves as a liaison to the firm’s London and Milan offices, as well as the Metzler/Payden joint-venture. Erinn is a director for Payden Global Funds PLC, Payden & Rygel’s Dublin-domiciled UCITS Funds. Erinn is also a co-leader of Payden & Rygel’s Diversity & Inclusion initiative. 

Peter Ewing, Technical Specialist, Financial Conduct Authority

Peter started his financial career in life insurance, working in IT before moving to marketing, and going on to lead Friends Provident’s response to TCF. He moved to the FSA in 2009, where he has specialised in culture and governance, playing a leading role in the rollout of SM&CR. He is now a Technical Specialist in culture.

Over the last 18 months, he has been closely involved with diversity and inclusion and was the FCA’s lead author for the discussion paper which the FCA, PRA and Bank of England jointly published in July 2021.

Shaheen Verjee, CFA, Director of Outreach, CFA UK 

Victoria Thompson, CFA, Co-Vice Chair, CFA UK DEI Network

Sarah Maynard, ASIP, Global Senior Head, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, CFA Institute

Didier Lambert, CFA, Managing Director, GFICC, JP Morgan Asset Management

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