Business and Scottish Politics: A future marriage or a relationship on the rocks?

Tuesday 13 June 2023 | 18:00 - 19:30 | Evening Event

This is a joint event between CFA UK and the Scottish Professional Bodies Forum, bringing members together to discuss issues that impact Scottish professionals.

Join a panel of expert speakers who will discuss the current political situation in Scotland. The panellists will discuss the following points and take questions from the audience:

  • The consideration of how well the Scottish government works with the business sector in Scotland
  • The main issues relating to businesses for the next few years: Brexit, inflation, Edinburgh reforms, regulation, and more
  • Does the Scottish government work well with the whole of the business sector or are many areas forgotten.
  • How can the sector and government work better to encourage more people to join the sector, do the governmental bodies like SDS actually help or a hindrance?
  • If the next election is a defacto independence vote then would businesses stand with Scotland or run for the border?

The session will be followed by a networking session which will give you a chance to carry on the conversation.


Registration: 17:30

Event: 18:00 - 19:00

Networking: 19:00 - 19:30


Chair, James Barbour, Directory of Policy Leadership, ICAS

Sir John Curtice, Professor of politics, Strathclyde University

Professor Russel Napier, Co-founder of the investment research portal ERIC & Library of Mistakes

Susan Love, Strategic Engagement Lead, ACCA

Susan Murray, Director of The David Hume Institute

Sandy Begbie: CEO of Scottish Financial Enterprise

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