CFA UK Annual General Meeting – attending in person

Tuesday 23 November 2021 | 18:00 - 18:30 | Webinar

Please note this is a member only event and only members of CFA UK can attend and vote.

We are delighted to invite CFA UK members to our Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Tuesday 23 November which, this year, will be taking place as a hybrid event. You have the choice of attending the event virtually or in-person. As a member of CFA UK, this is your opportunity to comment and vote on the resolutions that help shape the future of your Society. Online voting information will be shared via email before the meeting.

The AGM will be starting promptly at 6pm, with arrival refreshments available from 5:30pm. 

We would be delighted to hear from you directly at the AGM on the resolutions presented or in respect of any other issues that you wish to raise about the Society's activities. The CFA UK board is committed to member dialogue and welcomes questions to be submitted prior to the meeting via email to We will respond to questions received in advance of the meeting and there will also be an opportunity to submit questions via the webinar chat facility during the meeting if you are attending virtually.

Votes can be submitted in advance or during the AGM. All votes, whether submitted in advance or digitally at the meeting will be counted. Attendees will have two options;
1. Submit proxy vote in advance if you cannot attend or do not wish to vote at the meeting,
2. Submit vote during the meeting if you are attending the meeting in person or remotely.

All attendees will be sent a unique code and voting link in advance of the meeting. To register your vote during the meeting you must have access to a smart device and have an internet connection at the time of the meeting. 

By registering on this page, you are choosing to attend the AGM in person.

Alternatively you can register to attend the AGM online.

Please note that the winter reception will not be taking place this year after the AGM.

If you are feeling unwell or have any symptoms of COVID-19 please attend the event virtually.  


Registration: 17:30 

Event: 18:00 - 18:30

Click here to view our event terms and conditions