Volunteers town hall meeting – hear from our Chair, Vice Chair and CEO

Friday 21 July 2023 | 12:30 - 13:15 | Webinar

We’re holding a special virtual town hall meeting on the latest updates on our volunteer programme. All CFA UK members are invited to attend, but we would particularly like to see as many of our incredible volunteers as possible. This is your opportunity to find out the latest on CFA UK volunteering and strategy while hearing from and connecting with our Chair, Vice Chair and CEO.

Volunteer town hall virtual meeting, 21 July

Updates from:

Lindsay Matthews, CFA, Chair, CFA UK

Katerina Kosmopoulou, CFA, Vice Chair, CFA UK

Will Goodhart, CEO, CFA UK

We will cover:

  • Hear from Lindsay and Katerina on some changes to the volunteer programme and how this will benefit you.
  • Find out about new committees and their purpose.
  • Learn about the new Board Liaison support role for Committees and how this will provide support and connection for all volunteers.
  • What’s coming up next including a future town hall date

There will be time for you to ask questions so don’t miss this opportunity to engage with members of CFA UK’s Board.


12:30 – 13:15

Please register to join the meeting

Click here to view our event terms and conditions.