Wednesday webinar at one: Are UK ESG Initiatives truly sustainable or hostages to market volatility?

Wednesday 26 May 2021 | 13:00 - 13:40 | Webinar

UK long-term ESG objectives have universal support from all societal stakeholders. Yet, there are significant unacknowledged execution risks. Post-MiFID II asset manager funding models have made these outcomes essentially contingent upon perpetually rising public asset markets – for decades into the future.

The UK is at a critical juncture as it designs its post-Brexit financial regulatory architecture and prepares to host COP 26. How can it address these challenges?

Asset owner/asset manager ESG/engagement strategies are the spearhead of private market-based initiatives to reach the UK’s objective of carbon neutrality by 2050.

This session will analyse:

  • The two critical financial market risks to long-term UK ESG objectives.
  • Whether responsible investors have a fiduciary duty to acknowledge and address these risks?
  • Whether transparency and sustainability analysis should be outward facing only, or 360 degrees?
  • Transparent, proven and sustainable solutions to these issues – that the industry (and regulators/governments) should be considering
  • The likely impacts on ESG outcomes if the industry fails to take action now.

Where recordings are made, these are a member benefit that are accessed through the member-only platform, CFA UK Discover.


Registration: 12:55

Event: 13:00 - 13:40

CPD Points: 0.75


Neil Scarth, Principal, Frost Consulting

Neil Scarth is a Principal of Frost Consulting, which works with asset managers and asset owners on research issues including research valuation/budgeting, strategy-level research spending database/benchmarks, and investment process ESG integration/benchmarking.

Frost solutions allow asset managers and asset owners to collaborate on mutually transparent research/ESG budgets designed to emancipate investment strategies to seek their targeted return and ESG objectives.

Research transparency and “sustainability” are emerging as ESG factors and stewardship/ governance issues for asset owners.

Neil has held a range of roles in asset management and investment banking in Europe and North America.

Neil has consulted extensively with global regulators on research issues. Frost has authored papers on research topics for, and in collaboration with, the CFA Institute, CFA UK, the University of Edinburgh, and Stanford University.

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