We asked some of our members to share insights into their experience, what’s driving their career and how they got to where they are now. Passion, thirst for knowledge, networking and a proactive approach to professional development can go a long way. Take a look at our programme for opportunities to invest in your career: cfauk.org/events/events-listing
“It gives employers confidence”
Alan Livsey has worked with CFA UK since 2011 and is currently a Board director and chair of the Structured Learning Committee. Alan joined the Lex column at the Financial Times in 2014 after fifteen years in investment management. His specialties include energy and natural resources as well as the emerging markets. In the past he worked in Hong Kong and later in Tokyo as a market strategist for Kleinwort Benson. He attended both Oxford University and University of Maryland and holds the CFA designation.
1. How has the experience of getting your CFA helped in your career?
Certainly, just holding the CFA accreditation has added status to my CV. It gives employers confidence about my financial experience.
2. What are the main challenges that you face in your role?
My current job is on the Lex column of the Financial Times. I have to quickly assimilate a lot of data about a company and its industrial sector. My CFA background has helped a lot in that regard.
3. What have been your key successes since becoming CFA Charterholder?
I have had a number of senior roles offered to me, I think partly due to my CFA background. Perhaps one of the most interesting things to come out of having a CFA has been joining the CFA UK Board.
4. What has surprised you most about working as a CFA?
It's surprising how relevant the course has been for my career over the years, despite the fact that I took the exams about 25 years ago.
5. How did you get involved with CFA UK? / How has CFA UK helped you?
I decided to get involved in 2011 as frankly I was curious to see how my dues were spent. I wasn't disappointed.