Steven Major, CFA

ESG Certificate panel

The Certificate in ESG Investing (ESG) panel is responsible for all aspects of the provision of the ESG examination, the ESG syllabus and the Official Training Manual (OTM). Learn more about future-proofing your talent pool through an ESG lens here.

Sylvia Solomon, ASIP
Certificate in ESG Investing (ESG) panel chair

Steven Major, CFA

Main responsibilities 

  • To review and ratify proposed changes to the ESG syllabus to ensure that it reflects changes to relevant regulations and practices
  • To review and ratify new questions for inclusion in the ESG question bank
  • To ensure that the questions used in each examination are valid and correct
  • To review suspect and commented questions from each sitting and, where necessary, agree amendments
  • To agree appropriate action in respect to reports of candidate concerns and results appeals
  • To review and ratify proposed changes to the ESG OTM
  • To review all policy issues relating to the Certificate in ESG Investing and propose any necessary changes to the society’s examinations and education committee. 

To volunteer your services for this committee, email a covering letter and your CV to