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Changing the face of CFA UK volunteering

At CFA UK we are already reliant on our volunteer community for much of our activity, but we want to continue to build bigger and better services with member needs at the forefront. To do this, we need to build our volunteer community further and give everyone both the support and the autonomy to be effective. We also want to ensure that your volunteering experience is rewarding and productive.

2018 sees some changes to the way volunteering is structured, run and recognised. Steering committees will be set up in the areas of Education, Member Services, Professionalism and Volunteering. Each steering committee will have autonomy to empower working groups to help achieve tangible and time-specific projects. We believe this structure will create much greater satisfaction for you, as it will be easier to allocate resources as well as connect with our large volunteering network in ways that have not been possible previously. The steering committees and working groups will replace the existing committees.

The leaders of the steering committees are:

  • Greg Collett – Chair of the Volunteering Steering Committee

  • David Zahn – Chair of the Member Services Steering Committee

  • Anne Marden – Chair of the Professsionalism Steering Committee

  • Graham Cook – Chair of the Education Steering Committee

We are going to focus initially on the areas of member services and professionalism. We will make contact with everyone directly involved to discuss the changes. Over the coming months we will transition change through the broader volunteering structure.

We really appreciate all our volunteers continued passion and efforts. 

 If you have any questions please email