Inclusion at the heart of ESG - Day 1

Thursday 24 February 2022 | 13:00 - 17:00 | Webinar

Register now for the first half-day event series with CFA UK’s Inclusion & Diversity Committee and associated working groups. This virtual event series is free to attend and open to CFA UK members and non-members.

Discover insights from our panel discussions: how to Enable a Just Transition; with industry leaders sharing the social and governance changes needed to ensure equal opportunities at all levels and sectors for today's investment professional. Also, learn about Embedding diversity, equity, and inclusion within an organisation; using CFAI’s new DEI code on six principles to lead the change from: pipeline, talent acquisition, promotion & retention, leadership, influence and measurement. Principles underpinned and informed by leading experts.

You can also hear from featured industry experts and D&I champions in our fireside chats, as Juliet Bullick, is in conversation with guest speakers, Virginie Maisonneuve, CFA, and Jayne Styles, ASIP. Learn and be inspired on how their experiences have uncovered new ways of thinking, building professional resilience and the difference inclusion and diversity has made in their careers.

See the full event programme below:

Time Session Speakers
13:00 –13:05 Welcoming remarks

Arun Kelshiker, CFA, Head of Environmental and Social, Georgeson

13:05 –13:55 Enabling a just transition

Sylvia Solomon, ASIP, Director of ESG & Business Development, Equitile Investments

Nick Robins, Board Member at Investor Watch

Maria Nazarova-Doyle, CFA, Head of Pension Investments and RI at Scottish Widows

Victor Hymes, Managing Member of Legato Capital Management

Moderator: Andrew Parry, Former Head of Sustainable Investing at Newton Investment Management

14:00 –14:40

Moving the needle on inclusion

Virginie Maisonneuve, CFA, Global CIO Equity, AllianzGI

Jayne Styles, ASIP, former CEO, MS Amlin Investment Management Limited

Moderator: Juliet Bullick, Head of Strategic Initiatives, Europe at Fidelity International

14:40 –15:00



Fireside chat with Gina Miller

Gina Miller, Leader of True and Fair Party and Co-Founder of SCM Direct and MoneyShe 

Moderator: Will Goodhart, Chief Executive, CFA UK

15:50–16:50 Embedding Diversity, Equity and Inclusion within an organisation: CFAI’s new DEI code

Dominique Cherry, Head of Capital Markets, Philadelphia Board of Pensions and Retirement

Keon Holmes, CFA, Managing Director, Cambridge Associates

Moderator: Sarah Maynard, ASIP, Global Head, External Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion, CFA Institute

16:50 –17:00

Closing remarks Moderator: Racha Sibai, CFA, Head of Ecosystems & Strategic Partnerships, Tap Payments
Register for each day using the events linked below. Once you have registered you will receive a confirmation email and a calendar invite. You’ll be reminded with a link to join 24hours before the event.

Other event days:

Inclusion at the heart of ESG - Day 2 - Book here

Inclusion at the heart of ESG - Day 3 - Book here 


View our full event terms and conditions here.

Please note, programmes, and timings are subject to change. Where recordings are made, these are a member benefit that are accessed through the member-only platform, CFA UK Discover.