There is a need for greater diversity in the investment industry and CFA UK is proud to support the Women in Investment Awards, which honour the inspiring achievements of women across the sector. Congratulations to the finalists* below:
- Abby Glennie, CFA (Fund Manager of the Year - large firms)
- Alice Leedale, CFA (Investment Analyst of the Year, Investment Woman of the Year)
- Amelia Nunn, (Investment Analyst of the Year, Young Investment Woman of the Year Award - small to medium firms)
- Anais Gfeller, CFA (Fund Analyst of the Year)
- Bibiana Carretero, CFA (Fund Manager of the Year - small to medium firms)
- Camila Astaburuaga, CFA (Fund Manager of the Year - small to medium firms)
- Deirdre Flood, CFA (Investment Woman of the Year)
- Elena Koycheva, CFA (Unsung Hero Award)
- Emma Saunders, CFA (Fund Analyst of the Year)
- Hortense Bioy, CFA (Fund Analyst of the Year)
- Jean Hynes, CFA (International Investment Woman of the Year)
- Joanna Munro, ASIP Affiliate (Role Model of the Year)
- Lan Wu, CFA (Team Leader of the Year)
- Lydia Ofori, CFA (Investment Woman of the Year -small to medium firms)
- Kate Kalashnikova, CFA (Investment Analyst of the Year)
- Kathleen Hughes, I&D Network (Investment Woman of the Year)
- Olivia Maguire,CFA (Team Leader of the Year, Role Model of the Year)
- Rona Train, IMC (Fund Selector of the Year)
- Shakhista Mukhamedova, CFA (Fund Analyst of the Year)
- Shiwen Gao, CFA (Fund Selector of the Year)
- Stephanie Kelly, IMC (Investment Woman of the Year)
- Stephanie Niven, CFA (Fund Analyst of the Year)
- Shannon Lancaster, (Rising Star Award)
- Viginie Maisonneuve, CFA (International Investment Woman of the Year)
- Wendy Cromwell, CFA (International Investment Woman of the Year)
*The list above is based on the most updated information available on our systems. If you would like to contact us regarding it, please email